Staff Review: All That's Left to Say

All That's Left to Say

Here is the revised text:

Title: The Names They Gave Us

Author: Emery Lord

Hannah is struggling to cope with the sudden overdose and death of her cousin, who was also her best friend. She becomes fixated on uncovering the source of the drugs that led to her cousin's death, hoping it will help her find closure. As she delves into her cousin's life, Hannah must confront the difficult choice of allowing herself to grieve or continuing her quest for answers, which has its own consequences.

One challenge with the book is that it alternates between two timelines, covering Hannah's junior and senior years of high school. This can make the story hard to follow at times. The audiobook version may be easier to follow, but listeners should be attentive as some characters appear in both timelines. The characters are relatable, and readers can empathize with the emotions Hannah experiences following her loss.  

Rating: 3.5 Stars